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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy  //  Mason County

Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Shelton Washington requires you to fit a certain number of prerequisites. In order for you to qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, your income must be below the median income of the State. For instance, the current gross median income figures are: $51,671 for a household of one, $61,919 for a household of two, $69,195 for a household of three, $80,404 for a household of four – add $7500 for any additional household member.

Chapter 7 Shelton Bankruptcy LawyersDepending on the number of monthly expenses you have, the means test will help the courts determine whether or not you are eligible for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. What exactly does that mean for you? Well there are many variables, for example the number of family members currently living under your income. In Mason County, the means test for a family of three has to be completed if you make over $69,195 annually.

This means you will most likely qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Shelton if your income is below the medium income. Keep in mind this information is purely to be used as an example. All of this depends on a large number of factors Attorney Erin M. Lane will have to determine.

Trust Erin M. Lane’s expertise in the bankruptcy code, he handles bankruptcy cases every single day. Read over the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy details to see how these two differ. Keep in mind our initial consultation is always free.



Call Nathan D. Julius (360) 753-5353